Here's how you can help!
More than 40,000 men and women from the United States die each year from metastatic breast cancer, yet only 2-3% of funding movements go toward researching metastatic breast cancer. Unfortunately, this number has changed very little in the past several decades and the “awareness movement” popularly seen has done very little to change these numbers.
Thank you for your help!
Monetary Donations
Click on this link to make a donation of any amount, great or small, with 100% of proceeds going to stage 4 research.
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• Approved logo shared on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and • Approved logo shared during live gala on PowerPoint • Recognition from emcee during live gala
• Approved logo shared on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and • Approved logo shared during live gala on PowerPoint
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor please fill out this form and email it to or mail to PO Box 225, Prior Lake, MN 55372. Checks can be mailed to the same address or payments can be made here.
Auction Donations
Please fill out this form and email it to or mail to PO Box 225, Prior Lake, MN 55372
Or go here and Click "Donate an Item Now"